Today the Vice President spoke separately with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and President Poroshenko of Ukraine. The Vice President sent his respects to the people of Ukraine and their leaders on this second anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity on the Maidan, adding that he was inspired by the progress the country has made. He stressed to both the Prime Minister and President that there is still a great deal of work to be done to honor the legacy of the brave Ukrainians who have given so much in their pursuit of a better future for their country. He urged Ukraine’s leadership to unite and rebuild popular trust around a strong governing coalition and reform program, and to accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to fight corruption, strengthen justice and the rule of law, and fulfill its IMF requirements.  In light of continuing violence in eastern Ukraine, the leaders noted the continued failure by Russia and combined Russian-separatist forces to comply with their ceasefire obligations and allow the OSCE full access to the areas under their de facto control. The Vice President reiterated the importance of Minsk implementation by all sides as the best way forward for resolving the conflict.