Vice President Biden welcomed Federal Republic of Nigeria Vice President Mohammed Namadi Sambo to the White House yesterday as part of the United States’ commitment to peace and prosperity for Nigeria and for the entire West African region.  The Vice President offered his condolences and those of the American people to Vice President Sambo for the lives lost in the Boko Haram attacks on Easter weekend in Kaduna and Kano.  Vice President Biden reiterated our strong support for Nigeria and its efforts to improve socioeconomic and security conditions across the country, including in the north.  The Vice Presidents discussed opportunities to deepen cooperation on issues of mutual interest such as advancing trade and investment, promoting peace and security in West Africa, and countering terrorism.  Vice President Biden thanked Vice President Sambo for Nigeria’s important role on the continent, and its exemplary leadership during the unrest in Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, and elsewhere.  Vice President Sambo reaffirmed to the Vice President his Government’s commitment to expanding services and access to electricity, enhancing infrastructure to aid development, and improving the quality of life for all of Nigeria’s citizens.