Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk about Ukraine’s economic reforms, the situation in the east, the investigation into the MH-17 tragedy, and U.S. bilateral assistance to Ukraine. Prime Minister Yatsenyuk underscored Ukraine’s commitment to advancing economic reforms in keeping with its IMF agreement. The two leaders discussed Russia’s continued support for the separatists in eastern Ukraine following the shootdown of MH-17, and the humanitarian tragedies in those communities that have fallen victim to separatist violence and looting. The Prime Minister and the Vice President discussed the reconstruction needs in eastern Ukraine, and the Vice President shared U.S. plans to provide almost $7 million in assistance to respond to immediate needs in the newly liberated areas in the east, which includes $1 million in new support. This includes contributions to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UNHCR to support efforts to restore access to potable water and provide medical treatment, as well as funding to support small infrastructure and rebuilding projects in these communities.