Hoyer Statement on President Obama’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after President Obama unveiled the American Jobs Act during his joint session address to Congress on jobs:

“Tonight the President laid out his plan to create jobs and grow the economy through the American Jobs Act.  He reminded us that everyone should have the chance to ‘make it in America’ through hard work, and how many fear those days are gone.
“That’s why House Democrats developed the Make It In America plan: to restore the manufacturing engine that made our country great, and to renew the faith that working Americans can succeed.  This plan includes several proposals the President discussed tonight, such as the creation of an infrastructure bank to facilitate investments in the roads and bridges that businesses need to thrive, and worker training to give Americans the skills they need to fill jobs that are available now, as well as those of tomorrow.
“The American Jobs Act will be paid for.  Reducing the deficit is one of the most important things we can do to strengthen our economy, but we must create jobs for our people.  If we don’t, we will not be able to balance our budget.  The President laid out a path tonight for doing both.
“Many of the ideas in the Make It In America plan and that the President discussed are supported by both parties, business and labor. The American Jobs Act can and should be passed swiftly through Congress.  Americans cannot wait any longer for us to take action.”