Senator Webb: Tax Agreement “the Ultimate Stimulus Plan” that will Reinvigorate Economy,
Put Americans Back to Work

Washington, DC—Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) today issued the following statement regarding the Framework Agreement on Middle Class Tax Cuts and Unemployment Insurance:
“I commend President Obama for his leadership in forging this agreement. The framework agreement for tax cuts and extended unemployment insurance shows great promise in reinvigorating our economy and putting people back to work.  The proposal is the ultimate stimulus plan. It will put more money directly into the pockets of people and small businesses, allowing that money to be quickly recycled as the economy expands. It will provide greater certainty for business and investment planning and extend several programs that effectively serve working Americans and lower-income families.  Failing to act now will result in higher taxes for almost all Americans starting on January 1st – an unacceptable result for an economy that remains fragile and in danger of further job losses.
“No one will agree with every provision in the proposed agreement.  The simple reality is that the American people, and particularly those who are out of work, cannot afford to wait while politics-as-usual blocks an effective, bipartisan plan to stimulate the economy and restore growth.”