The United States congratulates the Government of Colombia on reaching agreements with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) on a bilateral ceasefire, a timetable for disarmament, and security guarantees for demobilized combatants.  Although challenging issues remain as the two sides continue negotiating a final peace agreement, today’s announcement represents important progress in ending Colombia’s 52-year conflict.  This progress is a testament to the courage and leadership shown by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos during four years of difficult negotiations. 

Under Plan Colombia, the United States partnered with Colombia for more than 15 years and under administrations of from both our political parties to strengthen Colombia’s democratic institutions, safeguard its citizens, and improve the lives of the Colombian people.  We will now be Colombia’s partner in peace.  This is why President Obama announced Peace Colombia in February, a new strategic framework for our bilateral assistance focusing on peace accord implementation, as well as the Global Demining Initiative for Colombia, which the United States co-sponsors with the Kingdom of Norway. We will stand ready to help the Colombian people as they work toward a just and lasting peace.