National Security Advisor General Jim Jones will be traveling to Bremen, Germany, as head of the Presidential delegation to attend the 20th Anniversary of German Unity on October 3, 2010. While in Germany, General Jones will meet his counterpart, Chancellery Division Chief for Foreign and Security Policy Christoph Heusgen, in Berlin.

General Jones will then travel to Sochi, Russia, October 4-6 to attend the Sochi Security Conference. General Jones will address the 34 country security conference, which will cover 21st Century security challenges facing all states, including natural and industrial disasters, transnational crime and converging threats, and cyber security. As part of the visit to Sochi, General Jones will meet with Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev to continue the U.S.-Russia Security Council Dialogue, which focuses on how our governments can cooperate productively to reduce shared threats.