President Obama will visit the Republic of Estonia in early September to further enhance the strong relations between the two countries, and to affirm America’s commitment to our Baltic allies. In Tallinn, he will meet with President Ilves, as well as Prime Minister Roivas, to discuss bilateral ties, strategic and regional cooperation, and our shared commitment to the trans-Atlantic partnership.  The President will also meet with the three Baltic presidents — President Ilves, President Berzins of Latvia, and President Grybauskaite of Lithuania — to discuss ongoing cooperation on regional security and policies that support economic growth, and to discuss collective defense. In light of recent developments in Ukraine, the United States has taken steps to reassure allies in Central and Eastern Europe, and this trip is a chance to reaffirm our ironclad commitment to Article V as the foundation of NATO. After visiting Estonia, President Obama will proceed to Wales to participate in the Summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.