The United States congratulates the people of Guinea for overcoming logistical challenges to participate in largely peaceful elections on October 11 that reflected the will of the Guinean people, who turned out in record numbers.  We commend the elements of Guinean civil society that contributed to a successful election, including the religious and community leaders who consistently called for peace and the various groups that supported a transparent process by joining election observation missions throughout the country.

On the occasion of today’s inauguration in Guinea, the United States congratulates President Alpha Condé for earning a second term.  We look forward to continuing to work with President Condé and the people of Guinea on our many shared priorities.  We are grateful for Guinea’s continued contributions to improving regional security, and the United States expresses its deepest sympathies for the loss on November 28 of two Guinean peacekeepers who were working to support peace and stability in neighboring Mali.  Whether in making the region safer, strengthening democratic institutions, or collaborating to build resilient health systems, the United States and Guinea will remain strong partners.