In the two years since President Obama laid out his vision for a world without nuclear weapons in Prague, the United States has pursued an aggressive nonproliferation agenda at the United Nations. Today the United States and the other members of the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted UN Security Council Resolution 1977 to extend the mandate of the Committee established pursuant to UNSCR 1540.  The 1540 Committee’s new ten-year mandate allows it to continue its valuable work, including through adoption of effective laws, security measures, border controls, and financial controls.  Under resolution 1977, the 1540 Committee will also be aided by a group of experts and work more closely with relevant regional and inter-governmental organizations to effectively implement UNSCR 1540.

The continuation and enhancement of the 1540 Committee’s work is an important element of the United States’ nonproliferation objectives outlined in the President’s April 2009 Prague speech and the 2010 Washington Nuclear Security Summit communiqué and work plan.  To further underscore its commitment to these goals, the United States recently announced our intention to make a voluntary contribution of $3 million to the UN to support 1540 Committee activities.  Resolution 1977 ensures that those vital activities will continue unabated during the 1540 Committee’s new, lengthy mandate.