Contact: White House Media Affairs Office, 202-456-6238
February 11, 2009
Statement of President Barack Obama on Chairman John Dingell
WASHINGTON – Below please find a statement by President Barack Obama on Chairman John Dingell as the longest serving member in the history of the United States House of Representatives. Today, President Obama met with Chairman Dingell at the White House to express his congratulations and thanks for his service.
Below is the President’s statement:
“It gives me great pleasure to commend Chairman John Dingell, the Dean of the U.S. House of Representatives, who today becomes the longest serving Member in the history of the House.  Since 1955, Chairman Dingell has represented the people of Michigan’s Fifteenth District with distinction.
“Over the past 53 years, Chairman Dingell has been a champion for the health and well-being of hardworking Americans. Following in the footsteps of his father, the Honorable John Dingell Sr., Chairman Dingell has introduced legislation to provide national health insurance for all Americans in each and every Congress. Seniors throughout America have Chairman Dingell to thank for his instrumental role in passage of the 1965 Medicare Act and for his innumerable efforts since then.
“Through his hard work, Chairman Dingell reminds us that we have a solemn duty to protect our natural heritage for future generations. As a young Congressman, Chairman Dingell authored one of the first bills to protect America’s wetlands and played a key role in the 1964 National Wilderness Act.  Since then, he’s sponsored legislation to improve water quality, protect endangered species, expand sources of renewable energy, and clean-up toxic waste.  
“Chairman Dingell has long strived to ensure that every tax dollar is used wisely and that we have a more open, honest, and accessible government. In particular, his investigations into waste, fraud, and abuse have protected American consumers from inferior government contracting, deceptive drug marketing, and insider trading.
“On behalf of the American people, let me say ‘thank you, Chairman Dingell,’ for your decades of distinguished service on behalf of Fifteenth District.  As Dean of the U.S. House, you are a model of tireless commitment for all of your colleagues.  I look forward to working with you in the months and years to come as we endeavor to protect and improve the well-being of all Americans.”