Today, I called Senator Herb Kohl to thank him for his remarkable career in public service.

During his 23 years in the United States Senate, Herb’s invaluable perspective as the long-time head of a family-owned business made him an unwavering voice for working families, small business owners, and seniors.

America’s children will grow up in a better place thanks to his advocacy on behalf of childhood nutrition programs, a strengthened food safety system,  access to affordable health care and childcare, and juvenile crime prevention.

Herb’s dedication to American families and businesses remains evident today in the robust farming and manufacturing sector he helped foster in his home state of Wisconsin. And he has been a constant advocate to ensure that seniors in Wisconsin and across the country have access to affordable prescription drugs.  

Michelle and I extend our thanks to Senator Kohl for his years of service to our nation and offer our best wishes for the future to him and his family.