“President Obama was briefed by FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco and National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read, as well as five FEMA Regional Administrators adding their local prospective, on the outlook for hurricane season and the Federal government’s efforts to prepare all Federal partners, state and local governments, the private sector and the public for hurricanes and other emergencies.

Early today, NOAA announced it expects an “active to extremely active” hurricane season this year.

Under the President’s direction, the entire Federal family is working together to ensure not only that the Federal government is doing everything to prepare for the coming season, but that the public knows of the critical role they have in making sure they are prepared for storms and other emergencies, to include having up-to-date evacuation plans.

The President stressed that the government must ensure we consider the effects the BP oil spill could have on storms, response capabilities, and recovery efforts in planning for this year’s season but that those considerations do not change the primary mission of emergency management officials during a response, which is to support state efforts to protect lives and property.  

In addition, the President urged that Secretary Napolitano and Administrator Fugate continue to be in close contact with Governors, congressional delegations, and emergency managers in hurricane-prone states to ensure they have all the tools and resources needed to prepare for, respond to, and recover from any potential hurricanes.”

For a picture of the briefing, please click HERE

For a White House blog post by FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate on hurricane preparedness, please click HERE

Below is a list of attendees at today’s meeting:
Vice President Joe Biden
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate
NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco
National Hurricane Center Director Bill Read
Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan
Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change Carol Browner
Domestic Policy Director Melody Barnes
OMB Director Peter Orzag
Deputy FEMA Administrator Rich Serino
FEMA Associate Administrator for Response and Recovery Bill Carwile
NOAA Director of Marine and Aviation Operations Center Rear Admiral Philip Kenul
Five FEMA Regional Administrators