I join President Obama in offering my deepest condolences to all those wounded and to the families who lost loved ones in today’s terrorist attacks in Paris.  It’s heartbreaking. Outrageous. The American people understand and share the pain the people of Paris are going through. As these tragic events unfold, the investigation continues, and we learn all of the details of what’s happened, the United States stands ready to support the French government and the people of Paris.  And, as we’ve done before, in the face of dangers and threats, we will look out for one another.  We will stand together.  We will never bow.  We will never break.  That’s the character of our two nations.  We are bound by timeless democratic values that the cowardice and perverse ideologues of extremist networks can never match, wherever they are. Such savagery can  never threaten who we are. We will respond. We will overcome. We will endure.
