“Senator Dodd is one of my best friends in life.  We served together in the Senate for almost 30 years, and to every meeting, every hearing, every floor debate, he brought a keen intellect and a deep understanding of the subject matter on every issue.  His knowledge and background in foreign policy are matched by few, and his expertise on matters relating to Latin and South America is respected worldwide.  He’s one of the most skilled legislators I’ve ever served with.  I doubt anyone else could have led two major committees simultaneously and had such an impact on two of the most important issues facing us:  health reform and restoring economic stability.  I believe Chris will be long recognized as one of the most significant Senators of my generation.  Every mother, every father, who has had to take medical leave to take care of a sick child or family member has Chris to thank.  His commitment to the children of this country can be best understood by the landmark legislation he championed to protect their welfare. I believe the nation will miss his wisdom, wit and compassion.  I count myself lucky because I know he’s not going too far and will always be source of advice and counsel.  Jill and I wish Chris and Jackie the best as they move on to their next endeavors and know the future holds only great things for their family.”