Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release                                        March 31, 2009

Tomorrow: White House Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers To Visit Michigan
WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, April 1, 2009, Dr. Ed Montgomery, the White House Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, will visit Michigan to discuss the President’s support of a strong American auto industry and the President’s Auto Task Force initiative to support and revitalize auto industry workers and communities.
Dr. Montgomery will meet with Governor Granholm and her Economic Development Team in Lansing. Following their meeting, Governor Granholm and Dr. Montgomery will hold a press avail at 3:30 pm ET in the Governor’s Press Auditorium on the first floor of the Romney Building, 111 S. Capitol Ave., Lansing. The meeting will be closed press. Press with questions about the press avail should contact the Governor’s press office at 517-335-6397.
Dr. Montgomery will then travel to Detroit to meet with Mayor Kenneth Cockrel. The meeting will be closed press