Awards Mean FTA Has Met Aggressive Deadline to Put 100 Percent of Recovery Act Dollars to Work

WASHINGTON – Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced funding for 191 new Recovery Act transit projects in 42 states and Puerto Rico that will help transform the nation’s infrastructure and support thousands of jobs across the country. In making the over $600 million in new awards, the Federal Transit Administration met an aggressive deadline to award 100 percent of its Recovery Act transit formula dollars by March 5.

Since President Obama signed the Recovery Act in February 2009, the FTA has awarded 881 grants totaling $7.5 billion, which means all the formula transit funds provided by the Recovery Act have now been “obligated” or committed to specific transit projects. Once funds are obligated to a project, contracts can be bid, workers can be hired, buses and rail cars can be purchased and work can begin on transit construction projects that create jobs and drive economic growth. Recovery Act transit projects have already generated enough work to employ thousands of people nationwide and activity is expected to ramp up even further in the months ahead as new projects break ground and equipment orders are fulfilled.

“Investing in these transit upgrades not only puts construction workers on the job at project sites, but supports American manufacturing jobs all the way down the supply chain,” said Vice President Biden. “At a time when jobs are priority number one, that means twice the employment bang for the Recovery Act buck.”

“Because of transit projects being built with money from the Recovery Act, thousands of people can pay their mortgages or their rent, make their car payments, put food on the table for their families and maintain their quality of life,” said Secretary LaHood.

So far, Recovery Act funds have supported the purchase of nearly 12,000 buses, vans and rail vehicles, the construction or renovation of more than 850 transit facilities, and the performance of more than $620 million in preventive maintenance, which has helped to save transit service and jobs, and enhance service reliability.

In addition to the direct employment impact of the projects, domestic bus, seating and rail car manufacturers have received orders that are helping boost production and support jobs. For example, Orion Bus in Greensboro, NC has now received 10 contracts for nearly 300 buses with Recovery Act funds – orders the company says allowed it to maintain 176 jobs. Gillig Bus in Hayward, CA has received orders for 790 buses with Recovery Act funds – work the company says has allowed them to support 395 jobs. And American Seating Company in Grand Rapids, MI, a bus seating manufacturer, says they received $3 million in Recovery Act contracts last year, allowing them to add 11 full-time employees with additional job growth expected in 2010 thanks to the Recovery Act.

“Investing in modern, efficient transit systems will mean safe, reliable travel and clean air in our communities” said FTA Administrator Peter Rogoff. “These projects are putting thousands of Americans to work right now while improving the lives of millions of Americans for years to come”

The U.S. Department of Transportation is making $48.1 billion available through the Recovery Act for all transportation projects, including highway and bridge, rail transit, small shipyards and airport construction and repairs nationwide. Of that, $36.8 billion already has been awarded.

The following FTA Recovery Act awards were announced today:


Manley Village Council $140,000 Purchase one 35ft. bus.
State Total $140,000  


Alabama Department of Transportation State of Alabama $7,040,547 Purchase 3 replacement vans, 3 expansion vans;, Eng. & Design for two facilities.; Renovation of a bus facility.; Construction of a new bus facility; Real Estate Acquisition.; Preventive Maintenance.; Operating Assistance; Purchase 11 35ft. Intercity buses
Alabama Department of Transportation State of Alabama $1,023,565 Acquisition/rehabilitation of parking facility; Operating assistance
State Total $8,064,112  


Arizona Department of Transportation State of Arizona $2,166,936 Park & ride lots; administration buildings.; vehicle storage lot
Yuma Metropolitan Planning Org./Transportation Planning $14,991 Additional ARRA Funding to complete installation of card-readers in every MSTII (MB) vehicle
City of Phoenix $14,969,916 Purchase of 2 buses; Construction of four park and ride lots and Operating assistance
State Total $17,151,843  


City of Modesto $35,500 Preventive Maintenance
City of Turlock $194,532 Bus transfer hub facility
Orange County Transportation Authority $500,000 Purchase 3 35ft. AFI replacement buses for the City of Laguna Beach
City of Vallejo $439,212 Vallejo Multimodal Station
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority $69,776 Metro Blue Line traction power substation
Southern California Regional Rail Authority $4,675,477 Rehab Track, Positive Train Control, Keller Yard storage, Central Maintenance Facility Guard, Insurance.
City of Vacaville $115,330 Purchase 14 electronic fare boxes
City of Santa Clarita $2,385,864 Construction of Two Transit Parking Facilities
City of Fresno $1,200,000 Operating Assistance
City of Montebello $1,925,000 Purchase 3 40ft. CNG replacement buses; Operating assistance.
City of La Mirada $63,287 Bus security cameras and maintenance equipment
City of Fairfield $172,340 Install 63 fare boxes
Sacramento Regional Transit District $488,000 Purchase six replacement minivans; Operating Assistance


Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District, San Rafael $244,279 Replacement of Bus Wash Equipment
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District $16,972,052 BART- Railcar and Station Equipment Improvements
City of Manteca $649,009 Bus Passenger Amenities
City of Vallejo $2,009,466 Vallejo Station
Municipal Transportation Agency/City and County of San Francisco $18,221,874 Rebuild LRVs and preventive maintenance
San Mateo County Transit District $2,045,371 Preventive Maintenance; purchase 2 40ft. repl. buses and 2 35ft. replacement buses.
Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Santa Clara, San Mateo and San Francisco Counties) $2,684,596 San Mateo Bridges Replacement Project
Western Contra Costa Transit Authority $197,637 Preventive Maintenance and Generator Purchase
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority $12,251,784 Purchase of 20 40ft. buses
City of Union City $77,123 Purchase of 2 35ft. buses
Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority $1,054,888 Preventive maintenance; Bus Lifts; parking lot repairs
Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority $799,046 Preventive Maintenance
City of Santa Rosa $983,249 Purchase 2 Hybrid Electric Buses
City of Simi Valley $1,024,049 Garage modernization, ADA operations, and a wheelchair scale
Napa County Transportation Planning Agency $721,312 Bus Rehab and Shop Equipment
Sonoma County Transit $488,161 Replace 1 40ft. CNG Bus
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District $6,682,626 Preventive Maintenance
Central Contra Costa Transit Authority $1,107,398 Preventive Maintenance
City of Vacaville $527,655 Vacaville Intermodal Station
City of Fairfield $788,484 Purchase 6 35ft. repl. buses
State Total $83,937,377  


Colorado Department of Transportation $2,152,195 Purchase 2 expansion buses; 1 replacement bus; 1 van. Rebuild 2 buses; equipment; operating assistance
City of Colorado Springs $4,238,893 Purchase 3 support maintenance vehicles., 30 paratransit vans; construction administration facilities renovate passenger facilities.; security equip.; bus stop enhancements; operating assistance
State Total $6,391,088  


Connecticut Department of Transportation $237,778 Marlborough Park and Ride Lot Improvements
State Total $237,778  

District of Columbia

Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority $1,605,000 Preventive Maintenance Costs
State Total $1,605,000  


Sarasota County Transportation Authority $4,618,693 Purchase 2 35ft. hybrid buses; ITS, equipment; Transfer Facility
Lake County Board of County Commissioners $180,067 Operating Assistance
Lakeland Area Mass Transit District $3,928,562 Purchase 1 35ft. bus; bus shelters; operating assistance; misc. bus equip.; construct rehab facility
Florida Department of Transportation $3,063,695 Purchase and installation of a metal structure to provide cover to vehicles; Intercity Bus Terminal Building; Operating assistance
Jacksonville Transportation Authority $9,313,745 Purchase 9 low-floor 40ft. repl. buses; transit enhancement; Facility Improvements; Bus shelter enhancements; Rehab/Renovation Admin. & Maintenance buildings.; Cooling systems for buses; Park and ride lots; Bus shelters; Misc. Bus support equip.
Martin County Board of County Commissioners $1,199,564 Administrative bldg./intermodal hub
Miami-Dade Transit Agency $5,255,528 Purchase 3 30ft. shuttle buses; 2 30ft. mini-buses; 3 30ft. minibuses for circulator bus routes; bus shelters; Operating Assistance
State Total $27,559,854  


Cobb County Community Transit $244,880 Additional funds for Cobb Community Transits paratransit facility and Surveillance cameras.
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Agency $2,260,703 Operating Assistance
Henry County Board of Commissioners $120,000 Construction of a Lube Shop; misc. shop equip.


Georgia Department of Transportation – Office of Intermodal Programs $3,233,800 Purchase 1 40ft. replacement bus, 3 replacement buses and 2 expansion buses; bus refurbishing, fare collection equip., ITS equip., surveillance and sec. equip.
Georgia Regional Transportation Authority $636,298 Operating Assistance
Georgia Department of Transportation – Office of Intermodal Programs $4,887,532 Purchase 21 Vans, 13 Shuttle Buses, and 2 Intercity Buses. Bus shelters; Computers systems, Automatic Vehicle Locator/Mobile Data, Security cameras, Communications System; misc. shop equip; Bus terminals; multimodal facility
Chatham Area Transportation Authority $449,039 Operating assistance
Cherokee County Commission $4,761 Additional support to purchase Miscellaneous Communications Equipment
Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners $217,880 Operating assistance
State Total $12,054,893  


Keyline Bus System, East Dubuque $44,139 Purchase 4 Mobile Data Terminals
Des Moines Regional Transit Authority $1,300,000 Purchase 5 replacement buses; Admin./Maintenance Facility.; Misc. shop equipment; Operating Assistance
State Total $1,344,137 v  


Kootenai County $720,202 Acquisition of 7 40ft. replacement buses; 6 30ft. replacement buses; 1 expansion bus.
State Total $720,202  


City of DeKalb $5,063 Purchase a new Radio system
Commuter Rail Division of Regional Transportation Authority $122,165 Bridge rehabilitation and/or reconstruction on the Union Pacific North Line
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District $1,250,493 Renovation of admin/maintenance facility
State of Illinois Dept. of Transportation $9,725,615 Rural Transit Facility Improvements
State Total $11,103,336  


City of Columbus/Columbus Transit $888,815 Construction of Transfer Facility
Gary Public Transit Corporation $725,000 Operating Assistance
Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission $216,000 Centralized scheduling and dispatching center
City of Anderson $1,550,513 Replace one 30ft. diesel bus; two replacement gas vans; three support vehicles; operating assistance
City of Kokomo $1,089,206 Transit Operations Control Center; 2 buses; operating assistance
Indiana Department of Transportation $7,644,142 Construction and renovation of administration/maintenance facilities
Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission $1,669,770 Purchase 3 repl. vans, 1 expansion van; renovate bus station; miscellaneous bus support equip.; transit enhancements.
State Total $13,783,446  


Kansas Department of Transportation $4,552,177 Vehicles, Riley Co. Facility, Bus Shelters, Bus Stop Signs, Misc. Equip
State Total $4,552,177  


Transit Authority of River City (Louisville) $247,300 Purchase 2 replacement buses; 2 expansion buses and miscellaneous support equip.
State Total $247,300  


Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development $6,049,867 Miscellaneous Equipment; 4 50 passenger Inter City Buses; Bus Storage Facilities. St. Tammany Parish Government $1,000,000 Construction of Hwy 434 Park & Ride.
State Total $7,049,867  


Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority $13,900,000 Improvements to Ashmont Station.
Massachusetts Department of Transportation $1,565,804 Rural Operating Assistance, procurement of 2 45ft. intercity coaches, 1 25ft. hybrid bus, AVL equipment, operating assistance.


Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority $199,947 Repair and Replacement of Ornamental Fencing at the Attleboro Commuter Rail Station
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority $54,110,000 Operating Assistance and State of Good Repair Improvements to the MBTA’s Rapid Transit Network
Southeastern Regional Transit Authority $2,607,985 Operating Assistance and Procurement of 8 30ft. repl. buses
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority $90,000 Enhanced Security Camera System
State Total $72,473,736  


Maryland Transit Administration (Baltimore) $2,874,205 Additional funds for MARC Public Address System
Maryland Transit Administration (Rural areas) $1,987,757 Purchase 3 replacement buses; 4 expansion buses and 2 45ft. intercity buses
Maryland Transit Administration (Statewide) $4,354,111 Facility renovations.; preventive maintenance; shop equipment, parking lot construction
Maryland Transit Administration (Baltimore) $17,100,000 Bus Loop Pavement Reconstruction at MTA’s Mondawmin Transit Center; Heating and Ventilation upgrades; Light rail yard switches upgrade; Replacement/Overhaul of 24 Light Rail Substation circuit breakers
State Total $26,316,073  


Michigan Department of Transportation $167,820 Modify buses with mini-hybrid components.
Michigan Department of Transportation $524,072 Purchase 1 replacement Van; 2 expansion vans; facility improvements; bus shelters; miscellaneous support equipment.
Detroit Department of Transportation $18,875,500 Purchase 42 40ft. low-floor diesel replacement buses and 4 40ft. low-floor hybrid electric replacement buses; operating assistance
Michigan Department of Transportation $12,443,615 Purchase 3 40ft., 4 35ft., 5 30ft., 28 replacement buses; Facility renovations; Miscellaneous support equipment; Operating Assist.
Ann Arbor Transportation Authority $2,290,056 Renovate/improve a transfer center; Expand bus storage capacity; Improve safety and accessibility of bus stops; Operating Assistance
Battle Creek Transit System $318,8889 Construction of a new off-street bus island facility for Battle Creek Transit`s buses
State $34,619,952  


Minnesota DOT Office of Transit $510,000 Transit Hub/Park-n-Ride Lot Red Wing,
Minnesota DOT Office of Transit $600,000 Web Base Routing, Automatic Vehicle Locators, and Hardware.
Minnesota DOT Office of Transit $1,380,588 Modify buses with mini-hybrid components.
State Total $2,491,588  


Missouri Department of Transportation $4,904,603 Construction of two facilities and purchase of two intercity vehicles
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority $1,820,424 Preventive Maintenance, Shelters and Operating Assistance.
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority $1,092,881 City of Lee Summit Commuter Lot Improvements
State Total $7,817,908  


City of Hattiesburg, Department of Urban Development $492,447 Customer Service Kiosk; Route Match Software; GPS equipment; Miscellaneous support equipment; operating assistance.
State Total $492,447  

North Carolina

City of Fayetteville $31,290 ADA accessible sidewalks.
City of High Point $397,579 Operating Assistance & Misc Comm. Equipment
City of Greenville $99,000 Surveillance equipment
Western Piedmont Regional Transit Authority $138,568 Operating Assistance
Goldsboro/Wayne Transportation Authority $90,000 Operating Assistance
Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority $138,568 Operating Assistance
Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation $2,553,823 Park and Ride lots; Purchase 3 40ft. expansion buses and 2 expansion buses
North Carolina Department of Transportation $8,081,515 Purchase 10 40ft. buses; 13 park and ride lot facilities.; construct 2 Administrative Buildings; Bus Storage lot; Renovate facility; signage
State Total $11,530,343  


Nebraska Department of Roads $4,629,554 Construction of Six Maintenance/Admin. Facilities
State Total $4,629,554  

New Hampshire

Manchester Transit Authority $92,282 Operating Assistance/24 Bus Bicycle Racks
Greater Derry-Salem Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation $14,975 Operation Assistance
Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation $67,282 Operating Assistance
University of New Hampshire $38,000 Dispatch/fleet communications system; New upgraded radios; miscellaneous support equip.
City of Nashua $67,282 Operating Assistance
New Hampshire Department of Transportation $502,769 Purchase 1 replacement bus; 1 expansion bus; additional funding admin./maintenance facility miscellaneous equipment; operating assistance
State Total $782,590  

New Jersey

New Jersey Transit Corporation $52,403,812 Purchase 114 expansion buses; track renovations; Intermodal Terminals; signal systems misc. support equip.
State Total $52,403,812  


Nevada Department of Transportation $2,060,188 Purchase 2 replacement buses, 1 commuter replacement bus; Miscellaneous support equip.
State Total $2,060,188  

New York

Tompkins County $2,175,000 Purchase 6 40ft. replacement buses; surveillance and sec. equip.
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority $5,748,905 Purchase 14 40ft. CNG replacement buses
Chemung County Transit System $460,000 Purchase 1 40ft. Bus and Scheduling Software

New York

New York State DOT $3,245,850 Purchase 20 replacement buses; 1 35ft. expansion bus; intercity replacement buses; Bus Passenger Shelters; Misc Support Equipment; Bus Route Signs.
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority $4,396,596 Rail repair and rehab work at 5 stations
Orange County $1,686,778 Operating Assistance
City of Poughkeepsie $1,400,154 Design/Engineer work for transit hub project; Miscellaneous Communication equip.; Misc. electric/power equip.; mobile fare collection equip.; prev. maintenance. operating assistance.
Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority $6,351,718 Purchase 8 40ft. low-floor/heavy-duty diesel transit buses; Renovation of RTS Campus Facility.
Central New York Regional Transportation Authority $168,550 Purchase and install 21 replacement bus passenger shelters
State Total $25,633,551  


Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority $9,346,772 Operating Assistance and Track Rehab
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority $1,022,509 Station Rehab & Track Upgrades
Central Ohio Transit Authority $926,678 v Paratransit/Small Bus Facility Construction
City of Middletown $280,988 Operating Assistance, ADA Service, & Shelters
Portage Area Regional Transit Authority $316,820 Renovation of Transit Maintenance and Storage Facility
Lorain County Transit Board $11,532 Operating Assistance
Greene County Transit Board $704,997 Purchase 10 replacement buses; bus shelter and operating assistance.
Licking County Transit Board $216,355 Purchase of 3 expansion buses, communication & security equipment; bicycle racks for buses; resurfacing bus storage area/parking lot
City of Newark $394,392 Purchase 4 expansion buses; computer equipment & software; operating assistance
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority $2,150,816 Purchase 3 replacement. buses; Operating Expenses; Tire Changer; Preventive Maintenance; Rockefeller Bridge Demolition
Ohio Department of Transportion $9,197,000 Transit Facilities
State Total $24,568,859  


Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority $3,950,000 Purchase 9 35ft. and 3 40ft. repl. buses; Rehab Admin./Maintenance.; ADA Paratransit Svc.
City of Lawton $17,501 Purchase One Van and Cost Under Runs
State Total $3,967,501.00v  


Tri-County Metropolitan Transit Distirct of Oregon (Portland) $4,250,000 Construct the Willow Creek pocket track light rail line; Replace underground storage tanks; Install wayside horns on commuter rail line; Install replacement bicycle locker units
Lane Transit District (Eugene) $64,678 500 bus stop signs and poles along bus routes
Salem Area Mass Transit District $1,314,353 Operating Expenses and Transit Centers
Oregon Department of Transportation $38,400,000 Purchase two high-speed passenger rail train sets for use in commuter rail service
State Total $44,029,031  


Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (Malvern) $12,475,988 Renovations to SEPTA`s Malvern Station
Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority $1,686,820 Preventive Maintenance & Security Equipment
Cumberland-Dauphin-Harrisburg Transit Authority $2,035,039 Purchase four 40 ft. Buses and Bus Shelters
York County Transportation Authority $2,430,794 Administrative/Maintenance Facility Property Acquisition
State Total $18,628,641  

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority $400,000 Construct Bus Shelters
Municipality of Gurabo $650,000 ADA equip., communication equipment, security equip., prev. maintenance, operating assistance
Municipality of Vega Alta $325,000 Purchase of 4 cutaway small transit buses for Vega Alta Transit Expansion
Municipality of Humaco $150,000 Roof replacement
Municipality of Juncos $943,750 Purchase 3 expansion buses, (1) expansion van; Maintenance Facility rehabilitation

Puerto Rico

Municipality of Camuy $474,949 Purchase 2 20ft. repl. vans and 2 40ft. 25 passenger exp. trolleybuses; preventative maintenance
Municipality of Guaynabo $2,000,000 Purchase 8 35ft. expansion buses and 6 expansion buses; transit stop signs; radio comm. equip.
Municipality of Hatillo $400,000 Funds for the construction of Transit Terminal
Municipality of Villalba $680,000 Purchase 8 vans and 2 small trolleys
Municipality of Arecibo $675,000 2 Trolleys; 2 paratransit vehicles; 32 Shelters
Municipality of Dorado $710,000 Purchase 3 24 passenger explanation buses; 2 paratransit 10 passenger cutaway small buses; installation of 8 passenger shelters and administration costs
Puerto Rico Ports Authority Development Department $345,972 Completion of Ferry Terminal rehab/renovation; surveillance equipment; ticketing booth equipment
State Total $7,754,671  

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Department of Transportation $253,273 Construction of Parking Garage and Station Platform for the Wickford Junction Station Project
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority $8,756,686 Kennedy Plaza Bus Lane Renovation., Bus Shelter. Install./Rapid Bus Program, Maintenance Facility Improvements; Operating Assistance
Rhode Island Department of Transportation $4,100,000 Construction of Parking Garage and Station Platform for the Wickford Junction Station Project
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority $238,972 Partial purchase of a low-floor hybrid electric propulsion bus
State Total $13,348,931  

South Carolina

City of Rock Hill $410,000 Purchase 6 buses; Operating Assistance
South Carolina DOT $604,111 IT communication equipment
City of Anderson $109,622 Operating assistance and preventive maintenance
Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority $1,155,912 Operating assistance; AVL; support equip.; preventive maintenance
South Carolina DOT $4,345,000 Purchase 1 replacement bus and 4 cutaway replacement buses; Renovation of maintenance facility;
State Total $6,624,645  


Tennessee DOT $3,175,314 Purchase 23 intercity buses; ADA enhancements for vehicles, a ramp and bathroom; preventive maintenance, 3 intercity support vehicles; bus station support items; security/surveillance equip. computers and ITS equip.
Regional Transportation Authority (Nashville) $1,900,000 Construct the Martha Station; Operating assistance
Metropolitan Transit Authority (Nashville) $2,590,151 Facility Rehab
State Total $7,665,465  


City of Port Arthur $1,159,928 Construct Bus Support Facility
Capital Metropolitan Transit Authority $7,496,704 Purchase 7 buses; Operating Assistance; Pedestrian Access/Walkways
City of Tyler $776,031 Purchase 1 bus; Shelters, Renovate Bus Parking, Tyler Transit Depot Improvements.
Via Metropolitan Transit Authority $1,000,000 Purchase One 40Ft. replacement bus; Acquire P&R Lot
State Total $10,432,663  


Utah DOT $1,088,016 Intercity Bus Service
State Total $1,088,106  


City of Harrisonburg $142,563 Operating Assistance, Security and Shop Equipment
Williamsburg Area Transit Authority $350,000 Automatic Vehicle Locator
Transit District Hampton Roads $1,000,000 Preventive Maintenance
City of Fredericksburg $118,532 Operating Assistance
City of Danville $699,042 Operating Assistance; Facility Rehab and Misc Equip for Danville
City of Charlottesville $3,661,563 Purchase 4 Hybrid Vehicles; Operating Asst.; Shelters; Amenities; Miscellaneous Equipment
City of Winchester $150,000 Purchase new bus stop signs for fixed-route system and an automatic stop announcement system for fixed-route fleet
Town of Blacksburg $171,748 Operating Assistance for Blacksburg Transit
Greater Lynchburg Transit Company $349,901 Operating Assistance, Benches, Computer Hardware & Software, Signs, Bus Washing Equip
Greater Roanoke Transit Company $1,008,822 Operating Assistance & Misc Capital Projects
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation $4,940,400 Purchase 43 vans, 10 buses and 1 trolley bus and Miscellaneous Equipment for Rural Areas
City of Bristol $106,260 Purchase 1 bus; 1 support vehicle; radios; computers; operating assistance
State Total $12,698,831  


Washington State DOT $3,242,541 Vessel Preservation activities
State Total $3,242,541  


Oshkosh Transit System $29,877 Additional funds for the hybrid bus purchase program
Wisconsin DOT/Bureau of Transit $8,830,634 Purchase 4 diesel buses;1 diesel bus; 16 gas buses; 1 diesel replacement bus; 15 replacement vans; 13 replacement sedan/station wagons; passenger bus shelters; bus terminal; engineering/design of admin./maintenance facility; Miscellaneous support equipment
State Total $8,860,511  

West Virginia

West Virginia DOT $4,430,758 Purchase 4 replacement 40ft. buses; 7 vans; 9 support vehicles; shop equip.; facility improvements and operating assistance.
State Total $4,430,758  
Grand Total $604,535,246