WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the White House announced that Nancy Hogan will be stepping down from her position as Assistant to the President & Director of Presidential Personnel later this month. Jonathan McBride will take on the position upon her departure.

“As Director of Presidential Personnel for the last four years, Nancy Hogan has helped make sure this Administration attracts, grows and retains the most talented public servants.  More importantly, she’s made sure the American people are well-served by a group of dedicated men and women who work hard every day to uphold the public trust,” President Obama said.  “I’m grateful to Nancy for her service, and to Jonathan McBride for agreeing to take her place.  Jonathan has the judgment and the experience to help us continue to move this country forward, and I look forward to working with him in his new role.”

Nancy Hogan was appointed Director of the Presidential Personnel office in August, 2009.  Prior to accepting this position, she served as Chief of Staff for Presidential Personnel. Ms. Hogan previously worked for Obama for America, first as Northeast Political Director, then as Deputy Director for the Democratic National Convention in Denver. She concluded her service to Obama for America as Deputy Director of Battleground States. Ms. Hogan earlier served as an Advisor to Senator Tom Daschle at Alston & Bird LLP and on his Senate Leadership staff. She has also worked on several Senate campaigns and for the New York City Olympic Bid for the 2012 Games. Ms. Hogan grew up in Richmond, Virginia, and received a B.A. in Political Science from Emory University.

Jonathan McBride joined the administration as a Special Assistant to the President and the Deputy Director of the Presidential Personnel Office in August, 2009. In February, 2012 he was promoted to be a Deputy Assistant to the President. Prior to serving in the White House, Mr. McBride was the Chief Strategy Officer with Universum, a global Employer Branding company, and served as the company’s most senior consultant to companies and agencies looking to attract and recruit top talent. In 2000, Mr. McBride co-founded Jungle Media Group, an award-winning media company. Jungle’s magazines, websites, and live events served a variety of audiences including MBAs, JDs, college students, African American young professionals, and Hispanic young professionals. The content focused on the ‘career lifestyle’ and informed its readers about how to best navigate current and future career moves. Mr. McBride also worked for Goldman Sachs from 1997 to 2000 and U.S. Senator Herb Kohl from 1992 to 1995. He received his B.A. in Economics and U.S. History from Connecticut College and MBA in Finance from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a former Trustee of Connecticut College and the National Urban League.