Office of the Vice President
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                           March 16, 2009

White House to Hold Recovery Act Implementation Conference for Local Officials

Washington, DC – On Wednesday, March 18th, the White House will hold a Recovery and Reinvestment Act Implementation Conference for local officials.  Like state governments, city and county governments will play a crucial role in partnering with the federal government to ensure that implementation of the Recovery Act is effective, transparent and efficient. 

Similar to last week’s conference for states, this day-long conference will be a chance for local officials to bring forward ideas and share best practices, as well as hear presentations from a number of Administration officials, including Earl Devaney, Chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board.

Vice President Biden will address the conference at approximately 11:00 AM EDT on Wednesday.  The entire conference will be pool press.  For additional information on the pool, please email