As the Affordable Care Act’s coverage provisions have taken effect, 17.6 million Americans have gained coverage, and, since 2010, we’ve reduced the uninsured rate in this country by 45 percent. The nation’s uninsured rate now stands at its lowest level ever. But still, in communities across the country, 10.5 million people eligible for Marketplace coverage remain uninsured.

Today, we are launching the White House “Healthy Communities Challenge” to engage key communities with large numbers or high percentages of uninsured in states across the country where strong federal, state and community collaboration can have a meaningful impact on reaching the uninsured. Through this challenge, we are calling on community leadership to build outreach efforts to reach these remaining uninsured and help them gain coverage.

At the end of this third open enrollment period, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), along with State-based Marketplaces, will publish tallies of new Marketplace signups in participating communities. These tallies will be compared to HHS estimates of the number of eligible uninsured people at the start of open enrollment to see which communities made the most progress during the challenge.

The victorious community gets bragging rights, a healthier community, and a visit from President Obama to celebrate their success in helping ensure every American has health coverage.

Based on particularly high opportunity for impact, the White House reached out to local officials in each of these 20 communities, including Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who embraced the “Healthy Communities Challenge” to get their uninsured constituents covered.

New Orleans Health Insurance Marketplace for 2016

  • Health insurance coverage is affordable.  On June 30, 2015, 141,740 people in Louisiana were covered through its Health Insurance Exchange, or Marketplace.

    • In Louisiana, 85 percent of people can find a plan for $100 or less, 82 percent for $75 or less, and 78 percent for $50 or less for 2016.
    • For the second-lowest silver plan, in Louisiana, a family of four with a household income of $60,000 is eligible for $645 in tax credits per month on average statewide, and a 27-year old with a household income of $25,000 is eligible for $147 in tax credits per month in 2016.
    • Tax credits matter. In 2015, 91 percent of Marketplace enrollees – 128,524 people – in Louisiana received a tax credit, and consumers saved an average of $322 per month.
  •   Consumers have a choice

    • In Louisiana, 5 issuers are offering individual health plans in the Marketplace in 2016.
    • Issuers are offering an average of 34 plans per county in Louisiana in 2016.
    • In New Orleans, 5 issuers are offering individual health plans in the Marketplace in 2016.
  •     It pays to shop

    • In Louisiana, 75 percent of Marketplace consumers who switch to the lowest-cost plan within a coverage level could save on average $66 per month, or $788 per year, on their premium costs in 2016.
    • About 32 percent of 2014 enrollees in Louisiana switched to a new plan in 2015, saving $699 per year – and $11,424,210 in total statewide – on premium costs.
  •   While progress has been made, more work is needed to cover the uninsured.

    • In Louisiana, the adult uninsured rate dropped from 21.7 percent in 2013 to 16.3 percent in the first half of 2015.
    • In New Orleans and the surrounding region, there are 98,000 uninsured who are eligible for the Marketplace.
      (The number of the uninsured is for the Designated Market Area that includes New Orleans.)

Communities Participating in the “Healthy Communities Challenge”

  •          Dallas, TX
  •          Tampa, FL
  •          Atlanta, GA
  •          Seattle, WA
  •          Great Falls, MT
  •          Salt Lake City, UT
  •          Kansas City, MO
  •          Chicago, IL
  •          Phoenix, AZ
  •          Detroit, MI
  •          Charlotte, NC
  •          Nashville, TN
  •          New Orleans, LA
  •          Denver, CO
  •          Milwaukee, WI
  •          Philadelphia, PA
  •          Las Vegas, NV
  •          Oakland, CA
  •          Richmond, VA
  •          Long Beach, CA

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